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Letśe Q’ép - September 15th, 2016 

On September 15th, 2016, Indigenous businesses and entrepreneurs gathered for the Stó:lō Business Association Meeting, Letśe Q’ép.  Daniel Sorensen of Sorensen Smith LLP, presented the Draft Constitution and Bylaws to the attendees, and explained all of the legal aspects of the Association.  Jeff Hunt of Manning Elliot, shared projected financial statements, and explained the various financial aspects of the Stó:lō Business Association.
Our hands are raised to the Harvest Cafe, who provided delicious sandwiches for the event.  Thank you to Sorensen Smith LLP and Mills Basic for providing door prizes!
In October, the Stó:lō Business Association will be meeting again for the election of Officers and Directors for the Association.  We are also looking forward to the Stó:lō Business Association Tradeshow, on November 7th, 2016 at Tzeachten Community Centre.  This exciting event will showcase the Indigenous business community in S’ólh Téméxw!  More details to come!

The Stó:lō Business Association is gaining momentum, and we are excited to be moving ahead!  The Stó:lō Business Association - Work to DateReport outlines the tremendous activity from many Indigenous businesses and entrepreneurs.  The Report also summarizes the feedback from Event participants, survey results, and outlines the next steps!

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